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Muslim High Performance, Tips on Getting Good Sleep, Islamic New Year Goals

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Mastering your time and habits with Tushar Imdad

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Muslim High Performance, Tips on Getting Good Sleep, Islamic New Year Goals

Mastering your time and habits with Tushar Imdad

Tushar Imdad on ISLAM CHANNEL

Blog Posts

The Ultimate Hack in Islam Oct 12, 2023

Did you know that any good deed you do could be rewarded anywhere between one, to 10X, to 700X or 'even more'?

Two people could both be working at a task, let's say writing a report for work. One...

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10 Pro Tips on Getting the Best Sleep of Your Life Oct 10, 2023

Did you know that you have access to what has been described as ‘the most potent performance-enhancing drug on the planet’? 

And it’s completely FREE! 



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Tribute to my Tiger Dad Oct 09, 2023

In September, 19 years ago, my father, Dr Zahurul Hoque Bhuiya, tragically passed away in his mid-50s. 

I wanted to pay tribute to him as his parenting style helped me become who I am today...

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Try this Forgotten Sunnah Superpower Today! Oct 07, 2023

Some Sunnahs are well-known and established by Sacred Law for us to follow, such as eating with the right hand, starting actions with the basmalah or making du’a. 

Others are...

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10 reasons NOT to make New Year's Resolutions for Jan 2024 Sep 09, 2023

Every year the anticipation builds before January to set a new habit or a new goal. And for 2024, it feels even more important. We all felt that 2023, ushering in a new decade, would be a special...

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Conquering Mount Sawm Sep 08, 2023

Although describing the challenge of keeping a voluntary fast, the lessons are just as relevant for Ramadan. I am fasting on a work day (since I’m self-employed this involves teaching in the...

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Hopefully by now you are well aware that we are among days of the year so holy that i they are even superior to the last 10 days of Ramadan.


If this is new knowledge to you, then don't be...

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Why Muslims Canā€™t Afford Coaching May 11, 2023

Over the last year I have spoken to over 100 Muslim professionals and entrepreneurs from all over the world who were interested in Islamic Time Management or high performance coaching to uplevel...

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The Beauty of The Beard May 01, 2023

I came to eat dinner in my halls of residence one day last year when two sisters started laughing at me; I had some food stuck in my beard. They went on to innocently and honestly mock my beard...

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Rethinking Time Management for Ramadan Apr 01, 2023

 The Time Management Imperative

Before we begin, it’s worth reminding ourselves why Ramadan has a time management imperative. David Allen, creator of the world famous GTD system,...

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